samedi 5 avril 2008

Day 5

Today we went to a cooking class hosted by a women named Marguerite at her house. First we went to a market and got some fresh ingredients for this "fabulous chicken dish." Shiver. "Fabulous" and "dish" should never be in the same sentence. In fact, dish should never be used to describe a plate of food.  This is a pet peeve of mine. The chicken was really good. No sarcasm there. We also made this amazing apple tart. I had so many slices. "Slice" is another pet peeve! Nicky and I worked together. The other people taking the class seemed to have interesting laughs. When the class was over, most of the other tourists, my mom, Nicky, and I went to the Metro to catch the train home. It was strange (and rather corny), but I felt really close to these people even though I only knew them for a couple hours. 

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