lundi 31 mars 2008


Bonjour fellow Earthlings! Let's just cut to the current events here. Paris: the place I am. I know, my English is top-knotch. It is my second day here with me mum and best chap, Nicky otherwise known as Bo, Po, or Do. Basically, you take 'O' then put a different letter in front of it. It works because she is small and nothing suits a small thing more than one syllable, o words!Today I woke up at roughly 8 o'clock to the face of Po in a state of REM. I lay there creepily staring at her in hopes she would wake up to a hair-raising gaze. No luck. As Nicky floated through her dream world, she must have come upon something uncomfortable because her face and arms just scrunched up into a tight frown. 
It's difficult to explain with words (especially the arm part), but this image to
 the right pretty much sums it up.
After lying in bed for 2 hours, I woke her up. We got ready then walked to get crepes, coffee, and orange juice. I got sugar and lemon, she got Nutella and banana. My mom got chestnut cream, which was surprisingly tasty. After our 50 frickin' dollar breakfast, we ventured to Notre Dame, or should i say gypsy haven. Note to gypsies:
If you really want to steal from somebody, why do you have to dress up like a gypsy?! I mean i don't encourage this act of begging, but heres an idea. I can immediately spot you in a crowd and once I do i get the hell out of there. Dressing up like a common stranger would definitely bring in more loot.
Anyway, Notre Dame was spectacular. We walked around the whole building and listened to Gregorian chant (our favorite.) 

Next stop was the Luxembourg Garden! That is pretty much all I can say. It was lovely and lush. We then went to Montmarte and rode the carousel. 
After, we travelled to the Two Windmills, which was featured in the french film Amelie. There was a hilarious waiter who immediately turned up Glass Onion when we started dancing. He opened bottles weird and mocked Nicky. 
Nearby was a sex shop and the Moulin Rouge! Finally! I've reached heaven! (Note: Sarcasm.) Nicky and I just had to strut our stuff in front of the porn store. 
We then went to the Eiffel Tower. It was so amazing! I forgot how big it was. That's what she said... Nicky and I had a fabulous time exploring the architecture. We went all the way to the top! Au revoir!

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